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The Power of Podcast 


Filming for The PEAK TV opened many eyes to stories that captivate, educate, motivate and promote participation in our community. Ashley Russo’s enthusiasm for the Lehigh Valley is one of the strongest influences in ASR Media Productions’ work. Her deep appreciation for fellow entrepreneurs, nonprofits, local leaders, and the region’s exceptional creative minds drives her mission to leave no storyline untold. 

“Every person has a unique adventure, and ASR Media finds hope and encouragement in them all,” said Ashley Russo, President and Executive Producer of ASR Media Productions.

It’s easy to read career or life highlights on resumes and social media bios, but exploring the spaces in between is where true lessons are learned.

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Through filming, networking and doing business in the area, Ashley’s access to interesting and influential people grew. Ever the curious individual, she sought another way to engage the community with stories that inspire. The podcast, Unscripted With Russo, was launched to share often surprising and always uplifting journeys of the movers and shakers around the region.

It’s no secret podcasts have thrived in recent years. From true crime documentaries to local news, nearly six in 10 US consumers above age 12 listen to podcasts regularly, making it the perfect medium for ASR Media’s passion project.

Since its inception, Ashley’s vision for Unscripted has remained the same: to share tales of success and generate relatable dialogues regardless of a person’s path or background. Unscripted is a way for the area to unify and find common ground. No two stories are the same, and personal narratives about growth and happiness can inspire communities. 

“As a creator, I’m always focused on putting out the most authentic, interesting, and innovative content. It’s endlessly fascinating to discover where someone has come from, what choices they would make again, and what choices they would change,” commented Russo, host of St. Luke’s HealthNow, The PEAK TV, and Unscripted With Russo. “But as an entrepreneur, I’m also concerned with having efficient processes, finding what resonates with audiences, and streamlining the storytelling processes. Unscripted has been an amazing template for the development of collaboration and team-building skills.”

Initially, the #ASRTeam recorded podcasts in their offices on Main Street in Hellertown over wine, making it easy for guests to relax and tell their narratives. A few seasons later, filming moved to a sound booth in Factory, LLC. In response to Covid-19’s social distancing restrictions, Unscripted pivoted to capturing interviews via Zoom. The efficiency and flexibility of virtual interviews are efficient, but nothing compares to the value of face-to-face communication. As the world continues to progress through the pandemic, ASR Media hopes to return to in-person filming and recording at exciting locations around the area.

While the storytellers have had many wonderful moments connecting with friends and trailblazers, the #ASRTeam looks forward to witnessing how Unscripted continues to evolve in the coming years.

“Life is not necessarily a straight path. Truly happy people create space in their lives for new opportunities and learn from their failures,” reflected Russo.

Keeping a strong work ethic and positive attitude is absolutely vital to personal and professional growth, and producing Unscripted has enhanced that lesson for not only my team but listeners throughout the Lehigh Valley and beyond.

Want to listen to Unscripted With Russo? Click HERE to download the latest episode. 

Ashley Russo