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Six Types of Corporate Videos (and Their Uses)


Marketers and businesses agree that videos are the most effective way to reach a target audience. Corporate videos create an online presence for your business, build brand authority, and increase website traffic. 

When it comes to corporate video, you might not know where to start. ASR has it broken down so you can decide which type of video best fits your company’s current needs. 

Overview Video

Take a look behind the curtain with a summary video. These share the “why” of your brand’s identity. Clients and potential clients alike love to see what it’s like to work at your company. By working with ASR’s talented videographers, producers, and editors to create an overview video, you can boast your company culture and help your community get to know your brand even better.


Explainer Video 

Explainer videos are a great way to support your customers. These videos provide simple tutorials that explain how to use your products or services. By providing instructions, you can streamline their experience with your brand even after they make a purchase. It also provides content that, when posted to a website, helps boost SEO. 


Commercial Video

Think of this as your traditional advertisement-style video. A commercial can focus on selling your brand, a new product or service, or your mission. These can be used for air, web, or social media. In our meetings, ASR will collaborate with you to develop a video strategy that aligns with your goals for the commercial, including casting, writing a script, and producing the final video. 


Client Testimonial 

Client testimonial videos are the perfect way to show potential customers or donors why they should choose you. Picture yourself trying to choose a new dentist: are you more likely to choose a dentist with no reviews or 100 five-star reviews? A client testimonial attaches a face to a five-star review. Your most loyal clients and customers can share, in their own words, why they love your brand, which speaks volumes to potential clients. 


Conference/Event Video

At ASR, we see events as an opportunity to build your brand long after the event is over. Event videos serve as a way to recognize sponsors, celebrate a milestone, or thank attendees. They can also be used to show your company’s mission in action and to give a teaser for future events. 


Recruitment Videos 

Recruitment videos target potential employees to show them why your business is a great workplace. These include employee testimonials where current members of your business share their positive experiences. ASR knows what questions to ask your employees in order to attract high-quality candidates to your workplace.


ASR can also trim down any type of corporate video to create short clips for your social media accounts. Having up-to-date, engaging, and informative video content is necessary for any modern marketing strategy, and ASR knows how to create videos that meet your needs. View some of our corporate videos, or contact us to start a project today.

Ashley Russo