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The Power of Professional Video in Your Social Media Strategy


At ASR Media Productions, we’re all about video. We help our clients understand why video is a key part of any successful marketing strategy and how sharing visual stories can help their brand soar to new heights. 

When ASR meets with clients to discuss a new project, we always think forward and brainstorm ways to re-purpose your content so that you get the most return on your investment. Whether you’re making a commercial, an employee testimonial, or an event video, we want to help you include as many uses for your video as possible. Do you need it to be cropped to use as an Instagram Reel? Do you plan to share on Facebook or LinkedIn? Should you consider several 15-second cuts for a Google ad? Questions like these should be discussed early on so that we produce your video with a wide array of uses in mind. 

Video is the second most popular content form on social media for growing engagement. All social media platforms, including Instagram and Facebook, favor video. Tweets with video get 10x more engagement, and people watch almost 1 billion videos per day on Pinterest. Compared to wordy text and captions, video is easy to comprehend and more visually pleasing. 

An impressive, professional video gives you the chance to grab your audience’s attention right away and stand out among the thousands of other videos on their feed. Video also provides more time and space to build brand recognition through colors, visuals, anecdotes, and logos.  Another perk is that videos tend to appear in users’ feeds long after it’s posted…longer than photos do. Video content generates more interactions and shares, which builds the clip into the social ecosystem for longer.

Video has a long shelf life. When ASR creates a three-minute marketing video, we often conduct interviews with key players in your business. These interviews generate much more content than can fit into 3 minutes, meaning we can create additional diverse social media videos with interesting, engaging interview content. These clips can carry through months of your social strategy.

Example of social media specific content:


Videos personalize social media to better build a brand. Photos and graphics can make up part of your social media presence, but followers appreciate and want to see the people and processes behind your brand. It’s much more compelling to watch and listen to a testimonial from a leader in your business rather than a photo of that leader with a quote from them in the caption. 

Want to see these ideas in action? Check out our Instagram @asrmediaproductions. We are always creating organic content and trimming down our promotional videos to make short, shareable, and easily digestible reels for our audience to enjoy. They showcase our brand voice and allow viewers to get to know our team better. This is always our goal when creating videos for clients, too. 

When you think about these reasons, using your professional videos on social media seems like a no-brainer. ASR Media Productions is always ready to meet with you, understand your needs, and craft a video story that will be compelling for your existing audience and potential audience alike. Next time you work with us, be sure to talk to us about transforming your video into social media content. Contact us to start a project today. 

Ashley Russo