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Corporate FAQs

Corporate FAQs

  1. What is a corporate video?

    • A corporate video is any type of video that can help your business’s brand. They can range from a video about your business and its mission, videos about your team and who they are, commercials, or any specific type of message you want your business to push out. 

  2. What types of businesses benefit from corporate videos?

    • A corporate video can be used by any type of client. We make corporate videos for hospitals, schools, lawyers, and every type of client that we serve. Don’t let the word “corporate” hinder the variety of styles and types of videos we create.

  3. What type of content should I prepare for a corporate video?

    • We need to know who you are as a business, what story you are trying to convey, and what makes you unique. We want to help your audience see what sets you aside from others in your field and why they should work with/for you.

  4. How often should I update my business’ video content?

    • It is important to stay on top of the changes in your company and update your content regularly. If your team and messaging are consistent and stays the same over time, it will be easier for you to make evergreen content that will have longevity. Even with consistent messaging, it is important to always be engaging your audience and pushing out different types of content. You may not have to update a video about your company and what it does very often, but consider creating content about your team or create client testimonials to emphasize the good work you do in the community.