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Behind the Vision: Sara Viteri


Meet Sara Viteri, producer of ASR Media Productions Emmy award-winning program The PEAK TV and host of PEAK On the Street. Sara’s combined passion for storytelling and film started as a child. She grew up watching talented actresses like Jennifer Lopez and sneaking Al Pacino films behind her parents' back, in awe of their ability to tell a story on-screen. Inspired by her Hollywood idols, Sara was devoted to making it in the visual arts industry.

Throughout her childhood and adolescence, Sara worked as a model and actor in numerous film and media productions. Following her high school graduation, to further advance her career as on-screen talent, she attended an acting school in New York.While there, she took interest in helping out in production after seeing what goes on behind the scenes on set. With a newfound passion for producing, Sara began to work on independent projects.

In 2019, she produced her 1st short feature film, “Life Happens, Then You Cry.” Screenplay in hand, Sara and a crew of 25 industry professionals began filming at The Bethlehem House Gallery. Winning awards at the New York Short Film Festival, Best Global Shorts, and Reading Film Festival, Sara’s ability to bring the words on a page to life gifted her what she considers to be her biggest accomplishment yet in the film industry.

Before joining the ASR team in February 2022, Sara spent ten years of her career producing media ranging from film and music videos to theatrical plays and commercial work. Throughout that time, Sara took up opportunities outside of her role as a producer, featuring on red carpets interviewing guests, and hosting shows on television. 

“Between producing and being on-camera talent, it is split 50/50! I love them both. Well, maybe I do like being on camera a little more,” said Sara. 

From a young child, eyes wide, admiring the stars on TV, to becoming a star of her own, Sara has become one of ASR’s key storytellers both in front of and behind the camera. 

Ashley Russo