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Drone FAQs

Drone FAQs

  1. What is a drone?

    • A drone is an unmanned aircraft that has the ability to fly remotely. In our industry, we attach hi-definition cameras that capture bird's eye view footage of landscapes and skylines.

  2. Is a drone video more expensive than normal video?

    • Drone footage costs more because of the skills and safety that goes behind it. You must be a Part 107 licensed pilot to fly a drone for commercial use, this requires the knowledge of safety procedures and FAA regulations before flying into the airspace you wish to record.

  3. What makes drone footage special?

    • Drone footage allows the viewer to experience a video that would not be possible without flying. It can show off the beauty of the earth, as well as giving perspective to giant man-made objects. It's also special because it can almost go anywhere on 3-axis which gives incredible camera moves and angles.

  4. Why should I consider using drone footage in my video?

    • You should consider using drone footage to captivate your audience, these scene-setting clips could be the difference between someone watching the first 0:10 of your video, or sticking around to enjoy the whole thing.