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Commercial FAQs

Commercial FAQs

  1. What goes into producing a commercial?

    • A lot! First, there’s pre-production.  This involves script writing, finding actors, storyboarding, location scouting, and more! This is where we plan what the commercial will look like. 

    • Next, there’s production.  Once we’ve figured out how we’re shooting it, it’s time to actually shoot it.  We’ll use a variety of equipment to do this such as multiple cameras and lens’s, drones, microphones, etc.. And film the commercial! Normally we’ll need someone to operate the camera, someone to operate the audio, and a producer to make sure everything is going as planned. There are also many other roles that can be quite helpful when filming, but this is the minimum.

    • Then there is post-production.  This is where the video gets edited. We’ll color correct the footage, cut it all together and create the commercial.

  2. How long should a commercial be?

    • It really depends! :30 is usually the standard for televised on-air, but we’ve made commercials of all lengths. It really depends on the final product’s placement and use.

  3. Do I need to write the script for my commercial?

    • Nope! We can do that.  Commercials need to have a certain flow and be the correct length, so we can help you with that!